Solo, Indonesia
residents aged 10-24
Surakarta, known as Solo, located in the province of Central Java, has a population of approximately 522,000 people, and 120,000 residents aged 10-24 (23% of the total population). The use of technology as a government channel for disseminating information on government programs and public services is relatively more active in Solo than in other intermediary cities in Indonesia. The government uses social media to provide helpful information to the public, from information on commuter line schedules to the steps to get social housing compensation funds. In addition, the government website and WhatsApp provide a fast response complaint service directly from Solo citizens to the Mayor. However, the use of technology as a tool to capture the aspirations of citizens in urban planning needs to be explored further, considering that currently the government only uses offline media (development planning consultations). Aside from being known as “The Spirit of Java”, Solo also has a strong spirit of activism. Youth activism in Solo emerges from a broad spectrum, ranging from the university, local organisations and communities, to the football team supporters who often initiate youth movements in Solo.